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You Tell Your Sister...

Tia, my oldest sister, and best friend, a title that over the years I have forgotten was always hers. She is so special, she is my life gift from God, she is my second mother, she is my friend.

Tammy & Tia

I have not one memory of her purposely being mean or causing harm to me. We did not fight and argue as sisters. (there was this one time.....)The most she has done to me is bully me to be in a talent show or learn a new routine she had choreographed. She is a natural entertainer, producer, singer, and choreographer, which means I was dragged for the ride many times.

Well, a few days ago my sister called me to inform me of a dream she had the night before. This is worthy of writing because Tia and I, although born into the lifestyle of Islam we now have slightly different takes on "religion".

We both believe in God and know we are His daughters, and He is the Creator and there is no one or anything above Him. I am a Christian, believing upon His Son, Jesus and the Bible. Tia, not so much.

So.... when she told me about this dream it meant something to me. Not to mention she and I bonded all the time over our dreams because our dreams would have the tendency to become reality sometimes. She began telling me about the dream in relevance to her son who is having his first son in a few months. Tia stated number one that she had the intentions of calling me early that morning (before the dream could escape her mind). Not knowing I had the phone in my hand at the same moment waiting with my daughter at the bus stop with all intentions of calling her. She got busy, the bus came and I put the call off.

That afternoon strolling through facebook Ervin, her son posted that he is worried about his soon to be wife and unborn child. He feels like an atrocity will happen in the delivery room and he will have to pick the survival of mother or child. Seconds after assuring him that those thoughts were of the devil and he should not let worries rob him of this joy Tia called.

Tammy & Tia- little sister's wedding

She told me she was feeling a special connection to the unborn grandchild already and was feeling good about the direction her son was moving in and his relationship with the child's mother. She said in the dream Sylvia Brown from the Montel William's Show was sitting on her couch, but she had the embodiment of Jennifer, Ervin's fiance. Tia said she was "chillin" on the couch and stated, "you tell your sister, Tammy I said keep writing for the Lord".

I know this is so trivial to some but to me, it is the "Most-est". it is key to me because God used Tia to deliver the message, He crossed our paths spiritually through her son and grandchild. I had currently been stewing over the thought of weather or not my writings were ever going to help anyone and BAM, my sister has a word for me.

Tammy, Tyra, & Tia The 3 T's

A part of what makes her dream noteable information for me is even though as God's children we sometimes have different beliefs or views on matters, we are all used by God for His greater good. Therefore leaving no one out of the fold. Making His words in the Bible that we are here in this place for His pleasure even more a reality.

Romans 11:36

For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever.

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