Lack of Faith- the creation of Islam
Brothers of another mother. Ishmael and Isaac, like many brothers in the bible, (and out) would endure a tumultuous relationship with one another. Are the affairs of today concerning Isis, terrorist, and Muslims a direct reflection of these two brothers?
My first thoughts reflect back to Sarai requesting Hagar and Ishmael to exit the land. I start here because I would only imagine the hurt, betrayal, and loneliness they must have endured being forced out. I don't think anger could cover the depth of such betrayal. I also have to reflect on how this whole situation came about. It came about out of sin. Whatever could go right when it started so left.
Sarai's lack of faith that God would give them a son made her jump the gun and invite Hagar into her husband's bed. Here the downfall begins. Here the birth of Islam begins. Here the constant warring of two nations begin. It began with a lack of faith.
Is the lack of faith the creation of Islam?
I would say that is where it started. Sarai and Abram became impatient with the Lord. Ishmael and Isaac represent being flesh born and spiritually born. The flesh is always at war with the spirit, as is today the Muslims are warring with Christians.
“I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.” (John 3:5-6)
The first birth (Ishmael) is of woman through the water. The second birth is asking God for his salvation and being born again in the spirit. The flesh loves to take control and be shot-caller as he, the flesh and Ishmael is the elder and stronger.
It is written that Ishmael and his descendants would be a warring nation. Today, in 2016 God's word still stands.
It is fair to say it is biblical that Muslims and Christians are always warring. Although I will point out the Koran says Muslims must get along with Christians. At the end and beginning...........we are BROTHERS.
Take care of one another sisters and brothers.