Reason for the Site
In learning the Bible I also became aware of many myths, and misconceptions that are being taught to God's children. Many of these false and misleading teachings are not taught to harm, but that is in fact what the outcome of these false teachings become.
In my book, "The Love Letter" I will begin to undo the many years of confusion that I personally have encountered on my journey to my Father's truth. My goal is to bless someone with those missing pieces that will make reading and understanding the Bible a completed puzzle. God Bless.
2Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privy shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that brought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
The Bible is written in two parts thus making it a whole, the old and new testaments. The old being before Christ's birth, the new being after his birth. The New Testament is the story of events after the crucifixion told in the perspective of four men. (Apostles: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) For a full understanding, you will have to read the accounts of all the Apostles. One would experience or see something the other did not. Many like to say because of the different accounts, the Bible is contradicting itself; not so, just different views.
All the Gospels are unique according to the special design for that particular Gospel which makes all the Gospels perfect and in order. You must take into consideration the original language of the Bible. It was written in Hebrew (old testament) and Greek (new testament).
The meaning of many words used today is not the same meaning as when the Bible was written. Therefore translating words to their Hebrew, Chaldean and Greek roots are very necessary so that you may have eyes to see and ears to hear our Father's Word. The Strong's Concordance is an excellent resource for the Bible. The Bible being produced many times over makes doubters of the true word. Keep in mind the Bible had to be written in many languages so that all men of all nations could read the Word for themselves.
An example of not researching the root of a word is the mix up with the word "speak". In 1 Corinthians 14:34 it says, Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; Many interpret this verse as women are not to speak, teach, prophesy or do anything in the church other than serving. Speak in the Greek means to chatter or gossip. No man or woman should gossip or chatter in church. Another example is in Revelations it says there will be a new earth. The word new translated is rejuvenated in Greek.
Each appendix of the Companion Bible is a Bible study all to it's own.
The Strong's concordance is a very useful tool for studying the scriptures. It takes every single word of the King James Version and lists where each word can be found in the scriptures. It is useful for locating scripture verses that you know the words to, but don't know the book, chapter and verse.