Satanic Symbols/USA
I should not be amazed at the amount of satanic symbolisms in America, but after some reading on the subject, I am floored. Everyday images that are symbols to, of, for, and from that deceiver, Lucifer.
Everything demonic can be traced back to Babylon and Nimrod. Babylon was created by Nimrod, Noah's grandson, via Cush. Nimrod is the reference for tyrants, evil, city builders, and evil rulers. Nimrod is symbolized by the bull, (in Chaldean it means ruler or tyrant). He wore a crown of horns on his head, which we know from the Bible represents an evil power. Is it purposeful that "out of no where" the Bull of Wall Street in Manhattan appeared? I think not!
Adrian Benepe, the New York City parks commissioner, said in 2004, "It's become one of the most visited, most photographed and perhaps most loved and recognized statues in the city of New York. I would say it's right up there with the Statue of Liberty. (I have a bone to pick with her too later in the article)
Nimrod's power and tyrant behavior embodied in the charging bull is absolutely nothing short of coincidence representing Wall Street, and the "Apple" of the government.
I can remember as far as high school all the girls wanted to be called a Goddess. Goddess of Love, Goddess of Wisdom were among the popular. To have your boyfriend refer to you as his "Wisdom" was all that. Growing in the word of God leads me to a place where I have to lay down and face the truths of some of the symbols I once thought were staples of my black womanhood.
Semiramus is the orgin for all goddesses. We know her as:
Mother Nature*Mother of God*Mother of Heaven*Virgin Mother*Great Mother*Devine Mother*Astarte*Goddess of Ishtar or Easter*
These symbols are of and from Semiramus, the first goddess of Babylon. She married Nimrod and birthed Tammuz, the first anti-Christ. Semiramus was the first to build walls around a city (Babylon). Her story is she had Nimrod killed and took his place on the throne, then lied about an immaculate conception from Nimrod. To ensure her ruling she professed she was the Mother of God. After her death by murder by her son, Tammuz. Her life and legacy is still worshipped as the Moon Goddess. Nimrod still today is worshipped as the Sun God.
Take notice of these symbols that can be seen everywhere in America and the world today. They are hiding right in front of our faces. These symbols are found on modern and old architecture, they are in our city and government buildings, they are in our parks, city streets, and our homes.
EXODUS 23:23
Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images.
I am a believer that as long as you are not worshipping these images they cannot hurt you. At the same time I also believe what you are not aware of can hurt you. Satan is very satisfied with your ignorance of his devices. It is his full intent to deceive you, he wants you to think you understand the symbolism while he (Satan and his workers) purposely misleads you with the true meaning.
Millions visit the Statue of Liberty, but how many are aware of what and who she actually represents? The Statue of Liberty was given to American Freemasons by the French Freemasons. Edouard Laboulaye, a French mason gave the command to build a goddess for all masons to idolize. The statue is the largest idol of Ashera in the world to date. At the bottom of the statue are many Masonry symbols and a dedication to the masons of New York.
Her name is Liberty, she is also referred to as Isis, the Egyptian goddess. Liberty in Ancient Rome represented for women the freedom to do as they wish. This same goddess is also the goddess of sex and prostitution. Semiramus was a prostitute. Many names and meanings for different people, but all the same goddess.
The torch she holds is the masonic symbol of "Liberty Enlightening the World". The crown of seven spikes represent the Sun God. The seven spikes are to radiate to the seven continents of the world. Talk about biblical prophecy!
I once lived in New Jersey and regretted that I never made my way over to see the iconic lady; with this new information, I do not feel so bad.
Ready for another American Landmark? I'm only targeting a few of the many satanic landmarks on our country that was built on the word of God.
July 4, 1848 the cornerstone for the Washington Monument was laid by Benjamin B. French, the grand master of the grand lodge in the District of Colombia. It is said that hundreds of masonic lodges donated to fund the monument. The sides of this monument at ground level each measure 55.5 feet which equals 666 inches. The number 13, which is a satanic number is somehow infused in the building. I am not aware of the details but all the same, it is a part of the structure.
The shape of the building is from the worshipping of phalluses, the male genitals. A collum also represents gods. At the base of the phallic buildings is a circle that represents the female vulva. When the building (the phallus) is placed in the circle (the vulva) you then have a sexual act that is being worshipped. These obelisk buildings are always placed in the major cities, parks, graveyards and financial centers of the world. They are placed in high places( satan yearns to be the Most High) One will look and see a beautiful structure, but it is a sexual symbol representing, the sun god, Baal or Satan. This, too is an original from Babylon.
When you take into account that the American founding fathers were either atheist or straddled the fence in Christianity, it would not be so far fetched that many of our American symbols and traditions are knee deep in the satanic world. It was this split between God and science that led the American principals to be divided as they are to incorporate biblical and worldly ideals. This is how the Roman Catholic teachings were able to penetrate the new world with all of its false Christian doctrines. Remember, Catholicism is inbred with the Romans' religion. Notice the sun shinning through the temple domes?
I want to talk money now. The United State's dollar bill is packed with masonic and babylonian symbols.
1. Inside the circle on the left reads "Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum" which means, "announcing the birth of the new world order". The occults' agenda is to bring the entire world under one order. It is Biblical that talks of world peace is the beginnings of the end. The Mason's in America would be helpful in this process.
2. I stated earlier, that Mysticism, (Babylonian religion) was and is still in effect when America was being established. This weaves into the fabric of our United States today. The Great Eagle is nothing more than an extension of the Phoenix, a symbol for rebirth.
a) The eagle is holding 13 olive leaves in his left claw,13 arrows in his left claw, (E pluribus unum= out of many, one. It is 13 letters in this word),13 stripes in the shield in the center. 13 stars in the crest above his head makes a hexagram (6 points, 6 angles, and 6 planes) 666.
b) Right wing has 32 feathers, the left has 33, which represents the degrees of the Free Masonry.
As I wrap this post to a close I want to throw in two more symbols that are widely recognized in today's world as "regular and normal" but are hiding a satanic meaning right in front of our eyes.
The Starbucks lady is none other than Seramis, herself, and the all seeing eye represents one of the world's largest cable companies. Wow. This all seeing eye is also on the dollar bill along with the pyramid, which was built to accommodate the "eye". This eye has a double meaning, as all satanic symbolism does. They will tell you it's God's watchful eye in the top of the pyramid. Let me tell you that is Satan, Lucifer, the wicked one's eye watching you. Yes, the pyramids as pretty and majestic as they are were built for Satan as part of his evil takeover plan.
The pyramids are cousins of the Tower of Babel. They remind people that they too can become gods. Evil at its finest. The top of the pyramid is to remind people everywhere Satan is watching.
Worship God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Stay blessed.
#MotherNatureMotherofGodMotherofHeavenVirgi #GoddessofWisdom #GoddessofLove #GoddessofIshtar #easter #Goddess #symbols #StatueofLiberty #Nimrod #BullofWallStreet #satanic #symbolism #America #Babylon #antiChristmcitybuilde #Tammuz #MoonGoddess #money #pyramid #seeingeye #phoenix #dollar #hexagram #666 #starbucks #TimeWarnerCable #JesusChrist