By Michele Mary on Sunday, August 16, 2015 at 2:38am
The Answers Are Spread Throughout God’s Written Words,
Come & See:
Before The Earth Was Formed, We Were With God,
As He Told Jeremiah- I Knew you Before you were in your mother’s belly.
Thus God Knew all of us before too- we are no different than Jeremiah as far as being born!
Jeremiah 1:5
There was a Time before the Matrix was formed… For God had not created male and female until He Said Let us Make Man in our image, after our likeness… Genesis 1:26
But then God Created Male & Female… Genesis 1:27
The Matrix is The Womb: Womb-man, Woman.
Exodus 13:15, 34:19, Numbers 18:15
Here is where we read that we were with God before we were made as Mankind-
When The Morning Stars Sang Together & The Sons Of God Shouted For Joy.
Job 38:7
All Souls Belong to God.
Ezekiel 18:4
The Reason for the Matrix:
To Bring Forth The Souls onto Earth from Heaven.
Christ Said, No one goes back up to Heaven, unless they 1st Come Down From Heaven.
John 3:13
Why then did we have to come down from Heaven & be born through the Matrix?
Unless we take the time to understand that there was a War in Heaven,
then we will never understand the Reason we had to be born of the water in the womb.
John 3:5
The Mystery of God’s Plan of Salvation through Redemption by A Covenant Written in His Blood.
Matthew 26:28, Revelation 1:5 & Revelation 10:7
Perhaps the reason God did not tell us everything in the 1st book of Genesis,
is because He Wanted us to understand His Emotions about what Grieved Him.
We know from Genesis 6:6 that God was Grieved in His Heart That He Had Made man flesh on the Earth…
But we don’t find out until we get to Jeremiah 4:19 Why & Then further documentation in Rev. 12:9
That it was because of Satan’s Rebellion as Documented in Ezekiel 28 & Isaiah 14…
That is a lot of reading we must do to get there …between Genesis to Jeremiah & onto Isaiah & Ezekiel & Revelation to understand this Verse:
“My Bowels, My Bowels! I Am Pain at My Very Heart;
I Can Not Hold My Peace,
Because you have heard,
O' My Soul,
The Sound of The Trumpet, The Alarm of War. - Jeremiah 4:19 Read on…
Bowels= Heart -Strong’s Ref# 4578
The Earth Was Not Created Void “empty” … It Became Void!
Also Known as The Katabole!
Strong’s Ref.# 2598, #2602, 2647 & 906 = The Throw Down, The Foundation Over-Throw…
The LORD Created The Earth to Be Inhabited - Isaiah 45:18 - God Created it Not In Vain "Void/Empty".
Thus This Earth Age Began, The Age of Mankind:
Here is the Equation of the Age of How Old this Earth is:
The Earth is 4.5 - 4.6 Million Years Old…
But the Age of Mankind on The Earth is only about 14,000 yrs. Old…
Let us use The Apostle Peter’s Equation & Calculate:
One Day to The LORD is as 1,000 Years to us… 2nd Peter 3:8
If we take each Day of Creation as 1,000 Years, and the 7th Day that God Rested,
It adds up to 7,000 Yrs.
Then From Adam to Christ = 5,000 Yrs.
Then From Christ to us = 2000 Yrs…. For a Total of 14,000 Yrs. of Mankind.
The Melting of an Enormous Antarctic Ice Sheet 14,000 Yrs. Ago Triggered the End of The Ice Age,
Now The Dinosaurs would be Extinct for the Purpose Which God Has Purposed for Mankind.
The LORD God tells us of the chief “largest” Dinosaur in the book of Job,
there the Dinosaur is called Behemoth & had a tail that was like that of a Lebanon Cedar & ate from
the tops of the trees… also we learn of the Leviathan “Alligator” which we know survived the Ice Age.
Job 40 … Job, The Oldest Book of The Bible & Perhaps The Oldest Book in The World!
Read Job 38:30 & We find "Frozen" waters of the Deep... this chapter is The LORD explaining it... and "War" also in this chapter.
Now let us look to our Future:
Christ Said - I Go To Prepare A Place For Us… John 14:2
There are many Mansions “Resting Places” in God’s Kingdom.
There we will see that which is Written in Isaiah 11, Where there are no Carnivores,
For the lion shall lay down with the sheep & we the Children of God will Find Peace & Harmony.
When we understand the 1st Prophecy of The Bible - Genesis 3:15
There we find that the Old Serpent would draw 1st Blood as it came to pass when
Christ’s Heels were bruised on the Cross.
Now our Lord & Savior Has The Victory over Death & Righteously Shall He Defeat the one who caused the War in Heaven.
For Michael & his angels fought against the Dragon, Satan, That Old Serpent & we were there when this happened… Revelation 12 …
This Chapter covers 2 Ages ….
The Dragon = 1st Earth Age, The Old Serpent, Satan = This Earth Age.
Same old Earth, just a Different Age, Space & Time.
Before The Foundation “The Making” of The Earth “World” Age.
The Words of Christ our Lord:
Father, I Will that they also, whom You Have Given Me, Be With Me Where I Am;
That they may behold “see” My Glory, Which You Have Given Me:
For You Loved Me Before The Foundation Of The World.
John 17:24
According to as He Has Chosen us in Him, Before The Foundation Of The World,
that we should be holy & without blame, before Him in Love.
Ephesians 1:4
Who Truly Was Foreordained, Before The Foundation Of The World,
But Was Made Manifest in These Last Times for us.
1st Peter 1:20
God Said - Let us make man “Mankind” in our own image after the War in Heaven,
For God’s Heart was broken…. Surely we must understand this after reading His Words.
We must understand His Vineyard, His Kingdom, His Heaven & Earth,
This World Age, The Age Before & The One To Come…
To Understand Why He Had To Shed His Blood for our sins,
To Fulfill All That Was Written About Him & His Kingdom & us…
Lo, “Look”. I Come In The Volume Of The Book, It Is Written Of Me.
Psalm 40:7 & Hebrews 10:7
Christ Said- If I Have Told you Earthly things & you believed not,
how shall you believe, If I Tell you of Heavenly things?
No man has ascended up to Heaven,
but he that came down from Heaven,
Even The SON Of man which is in Heaven.
John 3:12-13
Behold I Have Foretold you All Things. - Mark 13:23
Yes, And All The Prophets from Samuel & those that follow after,
As many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days. - Acts 3:24
Thus Saith The LORD: I Have Sent My Prophets Rising Up Early & Sending Them:
Jeremiah 7:13, 7:25, 11:7, 26:5, 29:19, 32:33, 35:15
In A Little Wrath, I Hid My Face From you for a Moment;
But With Everlasting Kindness Will I Have Mercy on you, Saith The LORD, thy Redeemer.
Isaiah 54:8
This is The Purpose that is Purposed upon the Whole Earth, and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.
For The LORD of hosts has Purposed it & who shall disannul it?
And His Hand is Stretched Out & who shall turn it back?
Isaiah 14:26-27
We are only passing through this world age for a Moment…
When we depart from here, we all return to our Heavenly Father.
2nd Corinthians 5:8 & Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 Written by King Solomon, whom God Gave Wisdom.
Let us Praise our LORD for all that He Has Done - All for His Children & His Kingdom,
Glory To Our KING of KINGS & LORD of LORDS, Forever & Ever, Amen.